About Village Matrix

The Village Matrix is a not-for-profit Incorporated Association in the state of Queensland, Australia. We draw together people and communities from all over the world who are re-imagining the future.

We currently have several Village Gatherings per year. Each person who attends one of these gatherings, becomes what is known as a Villager. We are also in the process of establishing permanent 24/7 Villages.

In a world demonstrating increasing disconnection disguised as connection, Village Matrix invites communities of many shapes and forms to encourage and demonstrate genuine connection. The first step is to establish some shared basic information for others on the path also designing stronger communities. None of us are alone in seeking connection as many feel the ever present need to preserve and protect the land, water, air, our food production and health.

The next step is by demonstration, gatherings of people dedicated to empowering their own lives and the lives of each other.

It is nothing new to seek community.  Humankind has always sought social connection, yet in our industrialised era, individuation has been perverted, separating us into “nuclear families” with little genuine connection with those around us.  This growing disconnection has been felt by many.

As we seek to shift direction, gatherings such as “Rainbow Gathering”, “Confest” and “Village Matrix” provide opportunities for designing and experiencing samples of “community”, where the paradigm shifts from “me” to “we”.

As this shift occurs, the impetus is to “what can I contribute” rather than “what can I take or get”. The experience becomes a powerfully supportive environment rather than an insular solo journey where everyone is looking out for themselves (and perhaps their immediate family).

Welcome to Village Matrix.

Please list your community with us if you feel that this direction reflects the goals you also embrace. Become a Villager and offer your contribution to the growing movement of people here and all over the world.

We hope to see you and the members of your community at a Village Gathering.